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Download certificates and refused certificates in a structured format


Notified Bodies can only download their own registered certificates or refused certificates.

Follow the steps in Search and view certificates to search and view certificates.

  1. On the search parameters screen, slide the toggle to enable only the search criteria that can be downloaded in an XML format, and enter your search criteria:

    EUDAMED search criteria in the search and view certificates page
  2. Complete the search criteria, and click Search to generate the result:

    EUDAMED search button when downloading certificates in a structured format
  3. Once there is at least one result, click Generate XML file:

    EUDAMED generate xml file when downloading certificates in a structured format


    Only what is shown in the result list will be included in the generated file, not all the results of your search (in cases where these exceed the default number of results on one page).

  4. A pop-up window prompts you to confirm your action:

    EUDAMED confirmation window when generating xml file
  5. The system informs you that the action has been successful and will prompt you to take further action. Click Go to Download Management:

    EUDAMED you have successfully generated the xml file message when downloading certificates in a structured format
  6. The generated XML response file, along with related zipped documents, can be downloaded within the Download management page by clicking on it:

    EUDAMED download management page when downloading certificates in a structured format