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Update (create new version) for Container Packages

The Container Packages information can be updated independently of the other data in a System Procedure Pack (SPP) UDI-DI.

  1. Follow the steps in section Manage your SPP UDI-DI details to view a specific UDI-DI:

    EUDAMED discard and view latest draft version buttons in the udi-di data section
  2. Click on Container Package information from the list on the left (or scroll down to the relevant section):

    EUDAMED container package information link
  3. Click on Create new version in the Container Package section:

    EUDAMED create new version button in the container package section
  4. Click on Add container package to add new information about the packaging format of the SPP:

    EUDAMED add container package link in the container package update page
  5. Insert the package details in the pop-up window and click on Save:

    EUDAMED add container package fields when creating a new version for the container package with save and cancel buttons