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User access requests

Request access as a Notified Body user

The NB has to designate the person that will act as the first LAA and inform accordingly its Designating Authority.

The NB first LAA submits a user access request in EUDAMED selecting the NB he belongs to, and the concerned DA will receive a prompting notification to validate the NB first LAA.

Once the NB first LAA has been granted access to EUDAMED by its DA, all the other users of this NB can request access.


To start entering certificates data the LAA profile is not enough, at least one user with confirmer profile is required.

  1. Log in to EUDAMED as a new user. You will see the User and Actor Registration page. Click the New access request box:

    EUDAMED user and actor registration page
  2. An actor search page prompts you to select the NB you belong to:

    EUDAMED search existing actor fields in the new access request page

    The Actor ID of a notified body is equal to its NANDO identifier. You can use it to find the Notified Body by selecting I know the actor’s Single Registration Number (SRN) or EUDAMED Actor ID.

    Click Find.

  3. The matching NB is displayed in the Result section on the right-hand side:

    EUDAMED list with matching nb under the result section in the new access request page
  4. Click Request access to this actor.

    EUDAMED fields in the my personal data step in the new access request page
  5. Complete Step 1 of the user access request process:

    • Enter your contact/notification email address related to this actor.

    • Indicate whether you are a sub-contractor for the selected actor. If you select Yes, you will be prompted to enter details of your company.

    Click Save & Next.

  6. Step 2 appears. Here you must identify a direct superior who can support your request. Enter the name and function/position of your manager, and then click Save & Next:

    EUDAMED save, save and next and cancel buttons in the new access request page
  7. Step 3 shows a list of possible user profiles for each module:

    EUDAMED fields in the my user manager step in the new access request page
  8. Select the user profile(s) you need.

  9. If you want to save the request as a draft before submitting it, click Save.

  10. If you want to see a preliminary summary of your request before submitting it, click Preview at the bottom of the page. A summary of your access request is displayed.

  11. Review the information and click Submit at the bottom of the preview page.

    The confirmation page appears:

    EUDAMED submit my request and cancel buttons
  12. Click Submit my request. You are informed that your access request has been successfully submitted.

    You will be notified when your access request is approved or rejected.

    • If rejected, you can click the action button next to the pending request to read the reason provided. You can then review and re-submit as appropriate:

      EUDAMED list with all access requests and pencil and bin icons in the my access requests for an existing actor page
    • If approved, the next time you log in to EUDAMED a disclaimer will show. You will only see the disclaimer the first time you log in:

      EUDAMED user rights and obligations disclaimer and next button
  13. Your details will be visible on the My account(s) page: click your name in the upper toolbar to open this page:

    EUDAMED my account(s) page