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Terminating a user account

[Specific to Local Actor Administrators and Local User Administrators]

When a EUDAMED-registered user leaves an organisation, changes their job function or is otherwise no longer involved in EUDAMED, the Local Actor Administrator (LAA) or Local User Administrator (LUA) can deactivate their account by marking it as Terminated.

An actor user with a terminated account can no longer act on behalf of the organisation or manage data. If they need to regain the role at any time in the future they will have to submit a new access request for that actor.

To terminate a user account

  1. Log in to EUDAMED.

  2. Select Manage your users in the User management section of your dashboard.

  3. On the User management page, select the Registered users tab, and then click on the user in question:

    EUDAMED registered users tab in user management page
  4. Review the user’s details and click Terminate at the bottom of the page:

    EUDAMED terminate user account button
  5. Confirm that you wish to complete the action. The user instantly disappears from the User management module.