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View historical versions for Basic UDI-DI/EUDAMED DI, UDI-DI/EUDAMED ID and associated entities

  1. Follow the steps in Search & View historical versions of Devices, System and/or Procedure Packs to view the details of a Device or System or Procedure Pack.

  2. Once inside the details of the chosen UDI-DI, go to the section in which you wish to view old versions (e.g. Basic UDI-DI/ EUDAMED DI, UDI-DI/EUDAMED ID, Market Information, Product original manufacturer or Container Package) and click on See version history:

    EUDAMED see version history link in the details page of a udi-di
    EUDAMED see version history link in the details page of a udi-di
    EUDAMED market information details of the selected udi-di
  3. You will see, if any, a list of all old versions for the selected entity, e.g. version history of the Basic UDI-DI:

    EUDAMED list of all versions of the selected basic udi-di
  4. Click on the version you wish to view to access its details:

    EUDAMED details on the selected version of the basic udi-di
  5. Inside a version, click on the links at the top right corner to browse through the different versions (all versions, previous, next):

    EUDAMED previous and next versions links and see all versions link