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Managing actors and user accounts

The Actors module ensures that all actors using EUDAMED, including Economic Operators (EO), have been authenticated.

There are two ways to gain access to EUDAMED:

Request registration for an economic operator

Register your Actor in EUDAMED with the appropriate actor role.

  • The person who performs the Actor registration automatically becomes Local Actor Administrator (LAA) for that actor once the registration is validated.

  • An Actor ID or Single Registration Number (SRN) is generated by EUDAMED and issued by the Competent Authority after validating the registrations request.

Request access as a user of a registered Economic Operator

If your Actor is already registered in EUDAMED, you can request access as a user of that actor. Once an LAA/LUA from your actor has approved your request, your account will be granted the appropriate user profile for that actor.

It is good practice having at least two LAAs, as a fail-safe mechanism if one should be unavailable. Furthermore, an actor must have at least one active LAA at all times, making it impossible to terminate the last LAA for an actor.