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Is this your first time here?

Then please take a minute to create a new account:

  1. Fill out the new account form (please use a valid email address).
  2. A registration email will be immediately sent to you.*
  3. Click on the link it contains to confirm your account.
  4. Your account is now confirmed and you are logged in.
  5. With ".europa.eu" email addresses or addresses approved by the EEAS, you will be automatically enrolled to all courses. Therefore, if you have a ".europa.eu" email address, please use it.
  6. With an externalemail address, click on the 'enrol me' button. Your enrolment will be validated, if the course is open for external users. The validation might take up to 2 working days.
  7. Once your enrolment is validated, you will receive an email. Simply click on the link, and login to the site with your username and password in order to start.


Use the Latin alphabet to spell your name, otherwise the certificate will show question marks for unrecognised characters.

Please use Chrome or Mozilla Firefox as your browser.

* If you do not receive a registration email for BASE and SAFE, please contact SECURITY-E-LEARNINGS@eeas.europa.eu.
   If you do not receive a registration email for Missionwise and Code of Conduct, please contact CPCC-ELEARNING@eeas.europa.eu.