Using the System as a Public User

1. Searching for a CLASS entry

Any user has the ability to search for CLASS entries, using the public page.

In page CLASS Consultation, a set of available criteria is available.

Upon completing the criteria with the desired information, the user can press "Search" in the bottom right area to search with the selected criteria, or "Clear Form" to reset the form and empty the fields.

Class Consultation Actions

2. CLASS Consultation Results

All the results of CLASS entries matching the selected criteria in the search, will be presented in a list on a new page. The columns of the list are the Commodity Code and its description. The list is using the accordion type, meaning that all the list elements can be expanded within the list, in order for the user to explore the details of each entry.

Depending on the sources of the CLASS entry, different options are available to the user. Another level of detail can be seen depending on the origin of the information.

When the user searches free text in combination with search criteria in the Classification Information section in all four information types, the application will search for all combined matches of this, AND operation, in the Classification documents and only for the free text in CN Notes, TARIC and ECICS.

When the user searches with search criteria in the Classification Information section in combination with either a single commodity or a commodity code range in all four information types, the application will search for all combined matches of this, AND operation, in the Classification documents and only for the commodity code (range) in CN Notes, TARIC and ECICS.

When the user searches with search criteria in the Classification Information section in all four information types, the application will search for all combined matches of this, AND operation, in the Classification documents.

All the documents can be downloaded, using the button with a downwards pointing arrow.

Additionally, any TARIC related information can be further detailed, by visiting the DDS2-TARIC, pressing the corresponding button Show in DDS2-TARIC.

IF EBTI information is requested and found, the system will display additional information in the Results page. The ‘BTI’ reference will redirect the user to the corresponding page in DDS2-EBTI.

If ECICS information is requested and found, the system will display additional information in the results page. The CUS Number in ECICS information will redirect the user to the corresponding page in DDS2-ECICS.

At the top of the page, a list of the defined criteria is shown, and the user is offered with the option to alter these criteria, by pressing the Edit Search Criteria button. This will redirect him/her to the search page, with the used criteria prefilled.

A 'Back' button has been added at the bottom of the Results page. It has the same behaviour as the Edit Search Criteria button.

CLASS Consultation Results

3. Search Query Syntax

The way in which the search query is formed can have an impact on the search results. Other configurations and built-in algorithms have their impact as well.

Below are some aspects to take into account in order to understand the returned results.

Exact match

Use double quotes to receive results where the quoted search term is exactly matched in terms of order and without stemming. This is case insensitive.

For example, searching for "better regulations" will only return documents where this is matched. It will not match better regulation or better use of regulations


Logical Operators:


Use AND between two terms to get results that only contain both terms regardless of their location. For example, search for Better AND Regulation will return documents that contain both terms such as Better understanding of regulations and regulations for better services


Use OR to between two terms to get results that contain either term or both at the same time. For example, searching for Better OR regulations will return better use of IT and better regulations of IT services and sick leave regulations

Note: Default operator is set to OR by default unless configured differently.


Use the minus symbol - to exclude results that contain a term. For example Better -Regulations will return documents that contain Better but not Regulations

The use of + however does not force the results to include the term.


Minus symbol should be prepended by a space

Minus symbol should not be followed by a space


The supported wildcard operators are the following:

1. The asterisk * : that matches zero or more characters.
2. The question mark ?: that matches any single character. (e.g. f?rm will match farm, form and firm)




We use the built-in standard tokenizer from Elastic Search that provides grammar based tokenization (based on the Unicode Text Segmentation algorithm).

For example, report-summary is tokenized into two items: report summary while report_summary is tokenized to only one item: report_summary