The EU Platform on Animal Welfare is an interactive network which aims at promoting dialogue among competent authorities, businesses, civil society organisations and scientists on animal welfare issues that are relevant for the Union.

This dialogue intends to build mutual understanding, foster trust and encourage voluntary commitments between Platform members to achieve concrete results in improving the welfare of animals. The Platform therefore relies on the contribution of each of its members, hence the motto "Everyone is responsible".

The Digital Tool of the EU Platform on Animal Welfare that you are currently browsing is an online space specifically designed and restricted for Platform members, providing them with a co-working instrument.

For a proper use of the Digital Tool, please read the Terms and Conditions.

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The Digital Tool of the EU Platform on Animal Welfare is a laboratory for new ideas and a place for exchanging views among stakeholders. It is an online instrument which aims at facilitating communication and sharing knowledge between the Platform members. Its working language is English.

The digital tool consists of:

1. Agora: an open and general conversation area to which all Platform members have free access. It is a common online space to boost discussion, publish news and schedule events on animal welfare related issues;

2. Sub-groups: working networks on very specific animal welfare related issues, as mandated by the Commission. Sub-groups are only accessible to entitled users, providing them with a tool which facilitates planning meetings and follow-ups;

3. Thematic networks: online spaces where Platform members can discuss thematic issues besides sub-groups.


The EU Platform on Animal Welfare is composed by 74 members representing the different stakeholders involved in the field of animal welfare: public institutions, international organisations, businesses, NGOs and independent experts. You can check the Platform members at this page.

The use of the EU Platform on Animal Welfare digital tool is therefore restricted to the following kinds of users:

  • European Commission staff;
  • Members of the EU Platform on Animal Welfare;
  • Additional experts designated by their member organisation to participate in specific sub-groups, but who are not permanent members of the Platform as such;
  • Observers

If you are willing to learn more about the EU Platform on Animal Welfare, please visit the dedicated page.

As regards the data protection, please read the Notification to the Data Protection Officer of the EU Commission and the Specific Privacy Statement.

The EU Platform on Animal Welfare was established in 2017 on the initiative of the European Commission. It is a restricted access stakeholders' network whose objective is to enhance dialogue among members, strengthen synergies, and make voluntary commitments as well as exchange information and good practices on animal welfare issues that are relevant at an EU level.

The EU Platform on Animal Welfare operates in two ways:

  • Meetings: biannual plenary and sub-group meetings;
  • Digital tool: an online instrument that allows users to keep working on issues of common interest at any time, even outside the framework of physical meetings.

The Digital Tool has been developed for members who joined the Platform through a specific call for application, in order to provide them with a collaborative instrument that can facilitate both the horizontal dialogue and the exchange of information and expertise among each other. Therefore, the access to the Tool is restricted to selected users only.

This Tool is not intended for disseminating relevant information about animal welfare in the EU to the general public. Nonetheless, if you are interested in finding out more on how the EU Commission comprehensively addresses animal welfare-related issues, we kindly invite you to visit the EU Commission website on Animal Welfare.